How to start programming and how to do it consistently?

Learn programming the way it has to be

How to start programming and how to do it consistently?

This blog is for those who already have a learning resource but doesn't understand concepts, so if you are searching for how to get a learning resource or any other kind of information. Then this blog is not for you.

I have seen a lot of people asking me how did I become a python developer at such a small age while they have been attempting it for a long time and still haven't succeeded.

Well, these problems come for those who are just stepping into the technical world. So, before understanding how does the computer works they just start learning about software thus having no link of what happens behind the curtains. To avoid these you should have a basic knowledge of hardware. I have seen some fellow developers that don't even know what memory(RAM) or ROM(hard disk) is. The lack of hardware knowledge results in WEAK Concepts. It is like you are learning dynamic memory allocation without knowing what memory is!

Another thing's that I have seen people struggle through is consistency. They can't keep up with the practice of coding for no longer than a few days or months. The only advice for this is that no matter how busy you are, take at least one hour out for coding daily. Just ONE hour, resulting in a routine and thus will become a part of your daily life, and so will be the consistency kept.

So that's it. I will drop some personal hardware notes for you,

Thank you

Hardware Notes: My Blog Site